πŸ’‘Opening a position

Users can choose to [Buy/Long] or [Sell/Short] to open their positions with leverage.

  • Long position: If the price rises, you earn a profit. If the price falls, you make a loss.

  • Short position: If the price falls, you earn a profit. If the price rises, you make a loss.

After selecting the Take Profit percentage, you will need to approve the transaction on your wallet to open the position successfully.

  • Collateral that can be use for trading

    • BNB Chain - USDT, USDC, BNB, CAKE, HAY, ETH and BTC

    • Arbitrum - USDT, USDC, DAI and ETH

    • opBNB - USDT and BNB

    • Base - USDbC and ETH

  • The settlement assets will be the user’s input assets. If settlements assets are insufficient, the platform will select the asset with the highest accumulated value in the liquidity pool as the settlement asset

Last updated